Our Projects
Dolphin Mall & Residence
Located in Girne, TRNC, Doplhin Mall & Residence project will be completed in 2022 with 74 flats, 39 shop centres, 19 offices, one cinema, one sports centre and 3-floor car park.
Güneş Residence
200-bed city hotel, Güneş Residence is located in the heart of Dereboyu Avenue, renowned for its design shops, cafés and bars in the capital of TRNC.
Avon Cosmetics
Represented in TRNC since 1985 by Başman Group of Companies, Avon Cosmetics’ refurbished building is completed in 2018 by Sertoğlu İnşaat.
Lanor Limited
3800m² ISO balance system and +17 degrees, cold and freezer storage
Nike Lefkoşa
Under the umbrella of Başman Group of Companies, Nike Lefkoşa is constructed in 9 months of 2007.
Tommy Hilfiger / Vans Dereboyu / Sarar
Under the umbrella of Başman Group of Companies, the building which includes the brands Tommy Hilfiger, Vans Dereboyu and Sarar is restored and renovated interiorly and exteriorly by Sertoğlu İnşaat.
Doğuş IVF Centre
Porta nulla tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis aliquet tristique lacus non arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis aliquet tristique lacus, vel congue nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Doğuş Meserya Restaurant
Nullam porta tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis aliquet tristique lacus nulla non arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis augue. Duis aliquet tristique lacus, vel congue habitasse platea!